But like many tasks today, there are too few hands for the job. And the job is getting more and more complex.
You can help.
First, report any problem you encounter—during campaigning, voter registration, balloting, or any other time.
Second, publish your report widely. This not only alerts fellow voters to immediate pitfalls, it helps build a database for revamping the system.
Our Hotsheet lets you publish your report instantly—complete, intact, unfiltered—directly to fellow voters, troubleshooters, journalists, researchers, and other interested observers.
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Roy Lipscomb
Hotsheet Moderator
P. S. Please don't vote before election day! To find out why, click here.
Low Tech Voting Gets "Thumbs Up" |
Chicago--With elections approaching, the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project (IBIP) has this advice for voters:
1) Vote in person, not by mail.
2) Vote on election day, not earlier.
3) Vote on a paper ballot, not on a touch-screen voting machine.
"These three steps will help protect your ballot from loss, damage, and alteration," says IBIP Director of Technology, Roy Lipscomb. "The longer the delay between the casting of a ballot and the counting of a ballot, the greater the chance of mishaps."
This risk is not abated by election-day voting on touch-screen voting machines. The tenuous reliability of such machines has led to their being banned by Florida, California, and other states--plus countries like Ireland, the Netherlands, and Germany.
To compensate, such machines are now commonly required to back up their digitized votes by printing a paper copy. But this remedy falls short.
* Only a small percentage of votes ever get audited (usually 5% or less), so it's rare that paper copies ever get consulted.
* Most voters do not verify the paper copy of their votes.
* Many paper copies turn out to be defective.
* Even if the paper copy exactly matches the digital copy,
both may be spurious.
"Protect your votes from going AWOL," says Lipscomb. "Vote in person, on election day--and with a paper ballot."
The Illinois Ballot Integrity Project is a non-partisan grassroots organization pushing for election systems that are fully transparent, accurate, and verified. Their homepage is http://ballot-integrity.org
Telephone Hotlines |
Chicago |
312/269-7925 | Chicago Board of Elections (Registration problems) |
312/269-7870 | Chicago Board of Elections (Investigations on Election Day) |
773/603-1880 | Cook County State's Attorney Election Fraud Unit |
Suburban Cook County |
312/603-0906 | Suburban Cook County Board of Elections For English-speaking operator, press 1 then 8. For Spanish-speaking operator, press 2 then 8. |
773/603-1880 | Cook County State's Attorney Election Fraud Unit |
DuPage County |
(630) 407-5600 | DuPage County Elections Office |
(630) 407-8000 | DuPage County State's Attorney |
Lake County |
(847) 377-2328 | Lake County Elections Hotline |
(847) 377-2000 | Lake County State's Attorney |
Where to Upload Video/Audio Reports |
Video: | YouTube IBIP | Audio: | IBIP | |
(Videos can be up to 2 gigabytes in size and 15 minutes in length.) |
Reports and Comments |
Ender cards at various locations in Illinois' DuPage County Lisle Township were too thick for the Dominion optical scan machine to end the election. (18.24 type Diebold/Premier/Dominion machine.)
DuPage County Election Commission reps. advised the technical judge in Lisle poll #91 to turn the machine on and off, which he did.
The ender card was then placed in the machine as before but the election machines did not uptake the ender card.
The DCEC field representative Greenwald came to the poll 91 with the correct sized thickness of ender card which the machine finally took. However, the field rep. did not leave that ender card, but took it with him to all of the other locations in need of an ender card to finalize the tally on the machines. It is unknown if the other polls also turned their machines on and off prior to finally getting the correct ender card.
During the election some voters experienced that their ballots were rejected on the first try when they fed their ballots into the optical scan machines. After another try or two, ballots were then taken up by the machines. It is unknown how many voters experienced this occurring, and in how many poll locations. Most judges in several poll locations blamed voters placing the ballots in the feed of the machine incorrectly. However, the machines should take ballots when placed upside down or backwards.
It is also unknown if this ender card problem was specific to Lisle township, or if other townships in DuPage also experienced the same ender card malfunction.
Also at poll 91, the e poll book could not transmit its final data at the close of the election.
When the poll tapes were finally printed on the optical scan machine, the printer ran out of ink by the third tape printed. A print cartridge was placed in the machine. However, the DuPage County Election Commission did not provide instructions for replacing the print cartridge. The technical judge was able to determine the correct placement after a first try was not successful.
Melisa Urda
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